Submission Preparation Checklist
Manuscripts should usually range in length from 500 to 2500 words (roughly two to ten typed, double-spaced pages). Query about longer manuscripts before you submit them.
Note: We welcome articles, reviews, reports, announcements, brief teaching narratives, calls for papers, and other material important to the professional lives of English teachers in the state of Illinois. Specific columns seeking contributions are Technology in the Classroom, What’s That About? (book reviews), Spot On! (member spotlights), Never Stop Asking (questions and answers about what you want to know).
- Submit your article electronically in an editable format as an email attachment. For all scholarly submissions, follow current MLA style—including documentation of references and using internal citations wherever possible.
- Avoid lengthy notes and references
- Follow the NCTE guidelines for nonsexist use of language.
- Your email should include the following information:
- title of submission (and appropriate column if applicable),
- author’s name,
- author’s professional affiliation,
- author’s address, and
- author’s telephone number,
- a statement briefly summarizing the submission and stating that the work has neither been published nor submitted elsewhere.
The editor will acknowledge receipt of your manuscript and may make minor changes (for clarity, length, or language) in the manuscript without notifying you.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.