2018 Call for Proposals

Educating the whole person as a whole person

It seems that everywhere you look, the trend toward simplifying and de-cluttering is taking hold.  Maybe, under the tutelage of Marie Kondo’s Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you have carefully held ten years’ worth of old homecoming t-shirts trying to decide whether or not they bring you joy.  Or maybe you felt the triumph of finally pitching a ledge full of dead dry erase markers.  There’s something very satisfying about cutting through the detritus to make room for what really matters.

In our profession, nothing matters more than people, the students, the teachers, our communities and families.  In 2018, the IATE fall conference asks us all to think critically about how we can honor what matters most as we trek through the daily grind of teaching and learning.

We invite you to share the ways you make space for your students as whole people and citizens of the world, techniques that clear the path for more meaningful collaboration with colleagues, and routines and habits that give you peace of mind or time for self-care.

The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, April 6, 2018. To attend the conference, please visit our registration page. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, you can review the options here. Please contact Conference Chair Carrie Thomas with questions.

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