President’s Welcome to IATE 2023 Conference

President’s Welcome

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the 2023 IATE conference at Millikin University. We are thankful to be back at our institutional home for the second year under the leadership of our Executive Secretary Kaitlin Glause. We are so grateful for the hospitality and support we’ve received from the university and its staff.

Kim Kotty, our conference chair, has developed a program to celebrate and embrace “authenticity in action.” Through enlightening sessions that promote authentic classroom practices, this conference aims to help us meet the ever changing needs of our students and the world they will enter after they leave us.

Our conference this year affords many opportunities to learn, network, and grow in our profession. We are so happy to have you here with us this weekend and with us in our profession as well. I encourage you to find ways to get involved in IATE at the state level or within your home district. Let me know if I can help guide you to leadership opportunities, and enjoy the conference!

Jennifer Gouin

IATE President 2022-2023

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