IATE Committees and Representatives
- Articulation: Betsy Kahn
- Budget: Michelle Ryan
- Constitution: Norm Boyer
- Convention Sites: Jean Black
- District Leader Coordinator: Delores Robinson
- Honorary Awards: Genevieve Sherman
- Intellectual Freedom: Amy Strong
- Minority Affairs: Shannon Radcliffe
- NCTE Slate:
- Nominating: Carrie Santo-Thomas
- Paul Jacobs Research: Tom McCann
- Program: Kim Kotty
- Publications: Michelle Ryan
- Publicity: Moira Bonadonna
- Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award: Jeanné Aken
- Special Projects: Kimberly Musolf
- Teacher Education: Dianne Chambers and Angelo Bonadonna
- Webmaster: Angelo Bonadonna
See a Committee that seems like a good fit?
Talk to one of IATE’s board members or Conference Chair Kim Kotty.