Sponsorship Options—2018 Fall IATE Conference

Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2018 Illinois Association of Teachers of English annual fall conference.  To take advantage of one of these sponsorship or vendor opportunities or for information about customizing a sponsorship plan that is right for you, contact Carrie Thomas.

Platinum Sponsor ($10,000)

  • Five conference scholarships for educators from Title I schools, or student teachers from Illinois public universities
  • Sponsor may select the scholarship recipients (or IATE board can do this at the sponsor’s request)
  • Sponsor may select a representative to formally recognize the scholarship recipients at the awards dinner
  • Includes all benefits of the Gold sponsor level

Gold Sponsor ($5,000)

  • Category exclusivity – no category competitors accepted at levels above vendor table
  • Recognition on IATE website and social media
  • Recognition in design of conference marketing materials
  • Recognition on every page of conference program
  • Special mention in press releases and media contacts
  • Poster-size signage displayed in each room
  • Logo added to keynote presentations
  • Sponsor may provide materials or giveaway in registration bundle
  • Sponsor may present a session at the conference
  • Includes vendor table, and full-page program ad
  • Meals for up to two representatives with RSVP

Silver Sponsor ($4,000)

  • Sponsor provides t-shirt, tote, or other registration gift for each participant with sponsor logo and information, plus materials in registration bundle
  • Recognition on IATE website and social media
  • Includes vendor table, and full-page program ad
  • Friday lunch and dinner for up to two representatives with RSVP

Keynote Sponsor ($3,000)

  • Recognition in keynote program description, speaker introduction, and all promotional materials
  • Recognition on IATE website and social media
  • Sponsor may provide a representative to introduce keynote speaker
  • Poster-size signage displayed in ballroom
  • Logo added to keynote presentation
  • Includes vendor table, full-page program ad, and the option to include materials or giveaway in the registration bundle
  • Meals for up to two representatives with RSVP

Meal or Cocktail Hour Sponsor ($2,000)

  • Recognition in program description
  • Recognition on IATE website and social media
  • Poster-size signage displayed during meal or cocktail hour
  • Includes vendor table, full-page program ad, and the option to include materials or giveaway in the registration bundle
  • Meal or complimentary drinks for up to two representatives, with RSVP
  • Sponsor may provide promotional materials, branded napkins, or other giveaway on tables or at the bar

Refreshment Sponsor ($1,000)

  • Full-page signs displayed at each refreshment station throughout the conference
  • Poster-size signage displayed at main refreshment station in hallway
  • Includes vendor table, full-page program ad, and the option to include materials or giveaway in the registration bundle
  • Recognition on IATE website and social media
  • Sponsor may provide promotional materials, branded napkins, or other giveaway at the refreshment station
  • Friday or Saturday lunch for up to two representatives with RSVP

Session Sponsor ($600)

  • Sponsor may present a session at the conference.
  • Formal recognition in program for this session
  • Includes vendor table, half-page program ad, and the option to include materials or giveaway in the registration bundle
  • Recognition on IATE website and social media
  • Friday or Saturday lunch for up to two representatives with RSVP

Vendor Table ($250, then $150 each additional)

  • Table with cover, two chairs, wifi access
  • Quarter-page ad in conference program
  • Recognition on IATE website
  • Inclusion in vendor promotion activities (e.g.: raffles)
  • Discounted meals for up to two representatives

Craft or Direct Sales Table ($150)

This option is for craft vendors and self-published authors without corporate backing.  We offer this option near cost to support our community.

  • Table with cover, two chairs, wifi access
  • Inclusion in vendor promotion activities (e.g.: raffles)
  • Discounted meals for up to two representatives

Print Program Ad ($100 full-page, $75 half-page, $50 quarter-page)

  • Black and White ad placement in conference program
  • Color ads available for additional donation

Materials in Registration bundle ($50)

  • Sponsor-provided promotional materials added to each participant’s registration bundle

Information Table Placement ($30)

  • Sponsor-provided materials displayed on information table for participants to pick up.



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