The CEIT Paradigm for Non-fiction Writing

The CEIT Paradigm for Non-fiction Writing

Kevin Aldrich, Routt Catholic High SchoolStaley 140

In non-fiction writing, there are only four basic “moves” a writer can make. An acronym to help student writers remember them is CEIT, for claim, explain, illustrate, and tie-back. First, you can make a claim. This claim may be called a thesis, a topic sentence, a theme, or a main idea. Second, you can explain that claim. Third, you can illustrate the claim. In literary criticism, this would be evidence from the story that supports your claim. Finally, you can tie the example back to the original claim. That is, you can briefly analyze how this example illustrates your theme. In addition to making these four basic moves, you can also signal them. "In other words," signals explanation. "For instance," signals an illustration. "This is an example of wisdom because" signals a tie back. When a thesis statement includes multiple parts, those parts can be made the core of subtopic sentences in a single-paragraph essay, or topic sentences in a multiple-paragraph essay. Each subtopic section can be explained, illustrated, and tied back to the subtopic sentence’s idea. In addition to the signals mentioned above, time or order signals can further clarify structure, such as first, second, finally, and so on. Once students become adept with the CEIT paradigm, they can choose which features to use and which to leave out. This presentation will thoroughly explain the CEIT paradigm and use student examples to show how it applies both simpler and more complex essays.

Fri 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM
College, High School, Middle/Jr. High
2024, Classroom Management, Cross-curricular Connections, Instructional Activities (Student-centered), Instructional Techniques (Teacher-centered), New and Pre-service Teachers, Pedagogical Preparation and Practice, Research and Writing
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