Authentic Classroom Management Strategies for the High School ELA Classroom

Authentic Classroom Management Strategies for the High School ELA Classroom

Angie Heiser, Putnam County High SchoolCollaboration 146

Looking for ways to manage your classroom that create positive spaces for students to be themselves? Wanting to avoid yelling and power struggles between yourself and your students? Looking for something more sustainable and fulfilling than relying on admin to "discipline" on your behalf? My name is Angie Heiser, and I have some tips and tricks for you! I have been in the high school ELA classroom for 10 years and have implemented a variety of tactics that have helped me build a sustainable classroom management plan that has changed my teaching career. Join me as I give you ideas to change your perception of "classroom management" and help you create something sustainable and enjoyable for yourself and your students.

Sat 1:08 AM - 12:00 AM
High School
Presentation session
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