Fall Conference 2015

Tearing Down Walls: Seeing the World as Text

October 16 and 17, 2015

Crystal Lake Holiday Inn, Crystal Lake, Illinois

Without a doubt, we are currently in the midst of a dramatic shift in education. From the Common Core and the PARCC exam to flipped classrooms and social media, the face of education seems to be in constant flux. Throughout all the uncertainty, there will always be one undeniable fact in our classrooms: English Language Arts skills are required in almost every aspect of our daily lives. This is obvious in academic and career settings, but the same skills we teach in our classes help students develop into more reasonable and responsible citizens and consumers. From determining the true intentions of a sales pitch or a political speech, to deciding which website or email is a scam, English Language Arts skills are always present in our lives.

With the rise of authentic assessments, many of us already tear down the classroom walls and open up the world to our students. With the accessibility of technology on a steady increase for our students, the classroom can become the entire world they inhabit, providing an endless amount of opportunities for creativity in our curriculum. This year’s conference challenges you to consider the ways you break down the walls of your classroom.

For a look at the schedule of events, here is a PDF of our Conference Program.

Hotel Accommodations for 2015 Fall Conference:

Holiday Inn has created a block of rooms for IATE Conference Attendees at a discounted rate! To make your reservation online, please access the following link from a computer (link does not work correctly from mobile devices): 


or call (815) 477-7000 and use the code ILA for the discount! There are a limited number of rooms available, so make sure to reserve your room early!

Conference Links

3 Responses to Fall Conference 2015

  1. Jessica says:

    Is there somewhere on your website where I can find a schedule for the 2015 conference coming up in October, as far as what speakers will be there and what sessions are offered? I can only find registration and hotel information on your website.

    Thank you.

  2. Priscilla Soto says:

    There’s a PDF link above ‘conference program’

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